It's obvious masks reduce oxygen intake by a significant amount

In this test simple test, the reduction from 20.6 to 17.4 means the amount of O2 you get has been reduced by 15.5%. There's a reason OSHA gives 19.5 as a minimum.!/v/markdgold99/QmTMUUEmA7BCKLcvj9Vswp96gL2jAAPYJxLkpETt8Dv3co
Dangers of oxygen-deficient atmospheres
[the air under a mask, at 17.6 oxygen, would qualify as a highly "oxygen-deficient atmosphere"]
In Huxley's Brave New World, the lower the caste of the embryos, the less oxygen they get (h/t @helvetico2)
A mask may bring your oxygen intake down between 15-19% (maybe more with the N95) so you're getting close to some of those hypoxic Epsilon fetuses
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