So last night i got called an undeveloped Aquarius all because i didn’t agree with someone’s opinion on twin flames which was biased in the first place. In my opinion/observation most people who don’t agree with twins didn’t have a good experience or haven’t experienced it before
only heard about it. It’s not true that twins don’t end up together because they are capable of it. It’s about elevation making yourself better for your own good that’s when they reunite. Twins make shadow work possible they make it real and mandatory. So of course ppl enjoy
soulmates more you literally find someone who meets you on your exact level and there’s no mandate for change. I didn’t say you can’t change for the better with soulmates but there’s no push to do so cause there’s so much happiness that lies in soulmates and it comes easily.
People associate so much trauma and negativity with twins because they are in their ego instead of reality. With twins someone will meet you and see a mirror to their soul things like the truth about their fear of abandonment, trust issues, inner child trauma, and etc they get
forced to heal it because it will be relevant to everything that occurs in the connection. You have to heal it to level up, like you really gotta heal that to come back to that person and just become a better the end of the day the only reason you feel the relationship
with your twin is traumatic is because you’ve been running from your shadow work and finally have to face it. You’ll have to fix it because your twin will not accept it. It’s traumatic cause your ego took the hit versus being honest and saying “hey this was a toxic trait of mine
i should correct this” with soulmates they give you a more coasting approach like hey you got abandonment issues i do too let’s never leave each other but in all honesty neither one of y’all are happy because it was built out of complacency/convenience it’s like this ain’t the
best thing but it’ll do for now. Sooner or later one person gets tired of the complacency and goes to a higher calling in their heart which could be their twin or next soulmate. I see soulmates as steps and not endings. Meaning every level of your life there’s a soulmate for you
until you find your true calling...(which doesn’t mean a twin is the end it just means the destined partner) these two relationships are equivalent to having steak (true destined partner or twin) or eating a Big Mac (multiple soulmates or karmic partners) they are cool for the
moment or satisfying for a while no real in between.
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