I don’t think people realise how important it is to isolate for the given period of time if you’ve been in contact with a positive coronavirus case. Even if you receive a negative result. (THREAD)
Here’s an example: you catch coronavirus on a Tuesday, go for a test on the Friday and the results come back negative. You then go out on the Saturday seeing other people and begin to get symptoms on the Sunday. You then test positive for coronavirus on the Monday.
You’re contagious 2 days before you start showing symptoms baring in mind. So in those 2 days you thought you were fine this has now spread to other people. Coronavirus has an incubation period and this explains why it doesn’t show up on test results and why it’s so easily spread
The virus can easily lie dormant in your cells (why the test shows as negative) and within a certain time frame it activates meaning you are contagious !!!!
Please if you have been in contact with people who have tested positive ISOLATE. The government haven’t put in the ‘14 day isolation’ period at your inconvenience it’s there for a reason. Learned from experience !!
this is purely to make more people aware of “false negatives” that people might not have known about :)
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