The feds spent 20 years literally selling the *same* car bomb to people to whom they gave the money to buy car bombs, after convincing them that they should buy car bombs, while everyone around those people called the feds and said "hey this guy is trying to sell car bombs"
Sometimes, the feds arrested the fed selling car bombs and even shot bullets at him for selling car bombs, before realizing that they had not caught a criminal but instead a fellow fed selling car bombs, as one does when one is a fed and not a criminal.
Sometimes, in the process of selling heroin in order to fund selling car bombs, the feds would have sex with people before surprising them by arresting them for buying heroin.
Sometimes, while moving the same car bomb around the country to sell to different people they persuaded to buy a car bomb, the feds would tell stories about how they started their careers by selling crack in the inner cities
Sometimes, in the process of moving the same car bomb around the country to sell to people they'd convinced to buy a car bomb, the feds accidentally *sold* the car bomb, which was then exploded. They'd get a new car bomb and torture some folks to find out where it'd come from
Sometimes, the feds would get frustrated that instead of buying a car bomb, the guy they'd been persuading to buy a car bomb did not want to buy a car bomb. The feds would get frustrated, and torture him until they felt better.
Sometimes, the feds would act so suspicious about wanting to sell people car bombs that an entire community would report them to the feds as a suspicious person trying to sell car bombs. The feds would then read all the emails of everyone in that community, and tap their phones
The feds have done a lot of the sneaky sneaky. Picture waking up in a bathtub of your own urine with note saying "gotcha."

That is how the federal agent do.
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