The New York Times recently reported that it’s likely 90% of the COVID positives from testing (or as the medical/media industrial complex and politicians refer to as cases) are likely not really positive.

Normal viral testing uses 25 cycles to amplify the growth of the virus...
... from a swab sample.

But in many instances the number of cycles were increased from 30 to 50. As I take it, the higher the number of cycles, the more remote or minimal the virus is. Where 25 cycles would conclude the person didn’t have the virus, going up to 30 to 50 ...
... cycles may finally show a scant level of it (typically dead virus cells).

The other thing is there is a set error in the tests. Some say the false positive error is 3 to 6 percent. This mean if no one has COVID, the “case” count will continue to rise for ever.
Public policy is set by case count. Businesses have permanently shut down due to case counts. People who committed suicide or who were subjected to spousal abuse while in house arrest was due to case count. People who now have alcohol or drug addiction due to house arrest ...
... was due to case count.

The false positive error and the over testing a sample are the parts of science that the democrats ignored and are culpable for. Simple auditing and always considering countering arguments could have shortened the shut down period. It could have ...
... got people back to work much earlier. It could have saved people lives and fortunes and dreams.

But we are left with one opinion, one way, one ideology, one understanding and one solution that increasingly is being proved wrong.

Mandates were set my mayors and ...
... governors as individuals given the power to unilaterally make choices based on the information they have and could obtain.

The full responsibility of the mismanagement of the COVID response rests on the mayors and governors who chose to go the one way without considering...
... the rest of the information.

It really is time to begin the lawsuits. This should never be allowed to happen to America again.
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