i honestly don't think people who generalize dttwt as toxic realize how hard we're trying to fix everything and clear our reputation it's so tiring being blamed for the small toxic minority of dttwt when most of us are extremely against it and are just here to vibe yk?+
obviously there are some bad parts of dttwt that we could work on but that's the thing we're already trying to be better but when we see other people generalize the community it's so disheartening and instead just makes us feel bad just for being here. i think instead of+
generalizing just tell us what we can do to improve ourselves bc that's what's important! we want dttwt to be a safe place for everyone :) sorry for this thread lol it's just that i've been seeing sm negativity towards dttwt lately and from my perspective if you talk about how+
toxic a certain community is yet don't say why or your reason which i'm sure you have then how are we going to fix it? it's okay if u disagree with me this is just my opinion :)
side note: i also think that we should also stop generalizing dt stans on different platforms like tiktok and instagram! i'm definitely guilty of doing it in the past but i'm sure there's some pretty awesome people on there who are tired of being generalized themselves!
tldr; just don't generalize any community :) in the end it does more harm than anything else.
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