Ah, the joy of autogynephilia!

A short thread on knickers. And stand by for the illiterates of the gender conformity to "misunderstand" and re-purpose pretty much every tweet that follows.

Because that is what they do
So, right this moment i am feeling good.

Why? Well, i've showered, put on clean clothes and ...grabbed a fresh pair of knickers.

Oooer! This, in gc demonology is a clear sign of fetishism.

Which it is, but only if that feeling you get when you change your bed sheets is...
Because the first and most important bit of this feeling is freshness. I am clean. And the clothes i am wearing are clean, and if not exactly starch crisp, most of them are ironed.

No, not the knickers: i don't iron knickers!
And every aspect of what i am wearing comes with its own built-in aesthetic.

A skirt? Nah: don't be daft...i rarely wear skirts because it is rarely warm enough or right enough to do so. Straight-cut jeans or jeggings are good enough for most of the year...
A top that is practical and does not ride up: occasionally a top that is more tunic-y and billows a bit. Again, the choice is aesthetic, because i enjoy shopping for clothes that LOOK good on me...not that project some imagined sexuality...
For most practical purposes, i consider myself ace...or mebbe demi...in any case, post-sexual: i'm done with all that nonsense, both in relationships and out of.

So it would be odd in the extreme that i should be evaluating my choices sexually...
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