[SimplyThread]: Forgiveness.

The keys:

1. Sincerity of intention.
2. Expression of regret.
3. Explanation of what went wrong.
4. Acknowledgment of responsibility.
5. Declaration of repentance.
6. Offer of repair.
7. Request for forgiveness.
8. Striving to not repeat.
Forgiveness isn't easy and definitely not for the weak.

It takes a lot to ask for forgiveness.

It takes a lot to grant forgiveness.

Granting it shouldn't be done casually.

It should be done in response.

The person who has wronged should understand the following at least:
1. Sincerity of intention.

Your intention should be nothing else than to ask for forgiveness correctly.

- Not to be Forgiven.
- Not to end up in a better relationship
- Not to "be more mature"

You've messed up.

Justice is angry.

You've got to calm it down.

It's serious.
2. Expression of regret.

This is incredibly simple to do if your first step is clear and have thought the next step through.

If you are sincere, the expression will show regardless. Simply stating it afterwards is to make sure there is no misunderstanding.
3. Explanation of what went wrong.

It's known to them, but the point is to learn from your mistake.

Think about it and be clear.

Explain yourself, so they understand that you understand as well.

And for the love of God, DON'T apologise just for the sake of apologising.
4.1 Acknowledgment of responsibility.

Think of the last time you were angry at a person.

Were you really angry at them? Or at the idea that they did something wrong.

It doesn't matter who did it, it matters that it did and has second and third order consequences.

These have to be taken into account.

Yes, these are things you have to think about.

When you wrong someone, you destabilise them and it will affect their work, relationships, trust in others etc.

It's not pretty. You have to be aware of how big this responsibility is.

Once you understand that, identify it and own it. That is YOUR mistake. It is within you at this moment.

Divorce from it.

You know it is ugly. A mistake is the highlighted area within you that needs a surgery.

It needs to get out.

Make sure to remove it from yourself.

Not only that part, but also anything that might prompt repitition.

Sincerity requires you to remove anything that might excite repitition, or potential continuation of your mistake.
5.1 Declaration of repentance.

This part isn't for the person you've done wrong.

It's between you and your creator.

This is the part where you apologise to justice.

Where you apologise bringing chaos into order.

If punishment is what it takes, then so be it.

Punishment isn't unjust.

Punishment is a compensation.

The best punishments are those that are avoided by swift repentance.

Meaning you have identified exactly what you did wrong, learnt from it, and removed it, never to be done again before punishment.

Punishing after learning the lesson is meaningless.

It's like blowing out a fire after it is done burning the house to the ground.

It will only excite resentment.

However, punishment in order to make one remove his mistakes, is love.

The difference between kind and nice.
6. Offer of repair.

Most often, this isn't required.

But sometimes your mistake might have had an impact on the other person that they can't handle alone.

This means you have to step in and help.

You always ask HOW, not IF you can help.

Leave the rest up to the person.
7.1 Request for forgiveness.

After all of this, it's time to ask for forgiveness.

Remember step 1?

You could've done everything right, and still end up without forgiveness.

This is because the person might not be emotionally strong enough to forgive you yet.

Forgiving is just as hard as seeking forgiveness.

Have patience.

Regardless of the outcome, understand that you've done your duty and it's time for them to do theirs.

There's no point in making it harder for them.
8. Striving not to repeat.

If you've done the previous steps correctly, this should follow naturally.

If this part is hard for you, you should trace back to one of the parts above, until you learn from your mistake.

Remember, that is the goal, ultimately.
It's in human nature to make mistakes.

It's how we learn the wisdom behind order and chaos.

If someone were to point out a scorpion on your neck, you'd be stupid to get angry at them.

Likewise, don't get angry when someone points out your mistake.

Thank them and remove it.
You never know who might need to hear this.

Some might forgive others.

Others might forgive themselves.

In any case, it's a step to end resentment and despair.

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