tw// mention of disassociation and anxiety but it’s tips also food mention

pro tip if you are having an episode, whether that be anxiety or disassociation etc. try biting down on a lemon, or putting something sour in your mouth. explanation below. 1/7
so the thing in your brain that triggers your fight or flight response (basically what causes these episodes) is called your amygdala. which i have affectionally nicknamed the anxiety almond as it’s almond shaped. 2/7
the amygdala is in ur old brain, towards the center which means that it’s functions are more basic, think caveman monkey brain. so your fight or flight is tied to your brain thinking that you’re literally in danger of dying 3/7
which is possible that it is a reason ur amygdala was triggered, but more likely than not if you’re looking at this thread it’s not the reason. but the amygdala, when activated will temporarily turn off digestion for you, because you can’t be digesting while you’re literally 4/7
fighting/running etc for your life. so when it stops, your digestion starts again. to trick your amygdala you can cause digestion to start, forcing your fight or flight off. something that will get you salivating REALLY WELL, which will definitely get your digestion: is sour! 5/7
think about putting a lemon in your mouth or eating a warhead, even then you can probably feel yourself salivating.

so by eating something sour it tricks ur brain into thinking you’re safe bc if you’re safe enough to eat you can chill ! 6/7
and disclaimer: this won’t work for every single person but it can help! if this doesn’t help i hope you find a grounding method that helps you soon!! much love ❤️ 7/7
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