People that get super excited over birthdays, I really want to know- and I’m asking out of naĂŻvetĂ©

What exactly is “exciting” about a birthday that compulsorily requires doing dumb shit like taking loans for a fake photoshoot and feeding people who actually don’t care about you.
Okay before the comprehension challenge crew comes in the reply section: let me explain.

The tweet is directed at those who feel a birthday makes it compulsory to do dumb shit like taking loans and going into debt for photoshoot, parties, cake and all of that loud stuff.
You should never go into debt- or add more to your unpaid loans- using excuse of a birthday.

It’s financially unwise.
Except of course that birthday is a coded fundraising avenue for you.

But if the tweet offends you,
That’s good. It was directed specifically at you. Yes you😂.
I really hate that I have to do this.
But for those with comprehension difficulties: the tweet does NOT say everyone takes a loan. It is NOT everyone.

Pause. Read. Read it again.
This time very slowly.

Think. Then type after.
Don’t let guilt drive your reasoning into the bush.
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