(Thread: A Negative Mindset) As grateful as I am for all the lave & them stan accounts, I observed smth v interesting. While some were vocal with their appreciation for me/my music, some really had a problem with these ppl & me & were sure to express their hate as loud as well
Lemme tell u smth interesting. (I’m NOT comparing - just giving an insight on a negative mindset). When Justin Bieber came out w baby, erryone went crazy. Lots in my school too. I didn’t get it. Cuz I hated the music, and his voice. I found it annoying. It wasn’t taste those days
But for some reason, I couldn’t stand even others liking him. I wanted to ensure that everyone dislikes him the same way I do. So I openly started making fun of him. Trolling him. I’d make fun of those who’d like him too. And I’d rejoice everytime someone would reject him
Eventually, I grew up. I got into music myself. When Bieber came out with ‘Purpose’, I actually enjoyed it. I was like man he’s come a full circle and has grown up to be a good artist. And henceforth, when someone would diss him, I’d actually defend him.
So I wondered, why did I hate him so much? Why would I be happy when he would be put down? Why was I so vocal about hating him? Some self reflection & discussion w ppl who also disliked him, made me realise it was one of the 2 reasons.
1. He was this good lookin kid who just blew up outta nowhere & every single girl was crushing on him. The music was an excuse, but really it was because deep down inside we all wanted what he got & were envious.
2. I just couldn’t be happy seeing someone succeed.
Both of these reasons, however, pointed to one direction: a negative mindset. I never thought of myself as a negative person, & yet I was, harbouring bad energy towards someone, & if the person was being liked, I couldn’t stand it.. I couldn’t even stand the sight of that person
We all have tastes, likes & dislikes. But we don’t have to force OUR opinions upon everyone. If u don’t like someone, or hate em, u don’t have to try that others do too. Let them enjoy it or like the person or things that they do. U don’t, no worries, don’t put others down for it
Ask yourself a question, when was the last time you were happy, genuinely happy to see someone succeeding? Winning at life? That you felt it in your heart, ‘man I wish you well and even more success’. Not just for ur friends or fam, even someone random?
Makes me sad to say, but truth is we are such a toxic society, we pull down any1 we see flying high. We pull down any1 we see winning. Y’all think being liberal is progressive? The most regressive thing in the world is being insecure of someone’s success & wanting to see ‘em fail
Take some time for self reflection. Negativity isn’t only about being toxic or evil. It has levels. We all have been or are negative in the littlest of ways. Yes, being vocal on ur hate for someone IS being negative. Self awareness & realisation is a sign of learning & growth.
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