3/...Social media attention has focused on Portland's mayor, Ted Wheeler, who's embarrassingly curried the favor anti-police rioters' (who hate him anyway) ever since taking office, issuing chronic stand-down orders as police commissioner... https://www.kxl.com/demonstrators-riot-outside-his-home-on-mayor-ted-wheelers-birthday/
5/...But while these actions are concerning, they take attention away from the person most responsible. For Wheeler and Brown have at least allowed the police to interve against the worst rioting. But it is the DA who decides not to prosecute...

6/...After running on "reform" and "public safety," Schmidt pulled off the mask and openly declared serious crimes like harassment, theft and burglary II un-prosecutable when committed by BLM/Antifa; even extending the favor to rioters w/ outstanding felony rape warrants:
10/...DAs like Schmidt may think they've succeeded in shutting down dissent by rigging local & state laws through selective prosecution. But the laws they're rigging aren't just minor noise ordinances. They're state constitutional laws that have federal counterparts...
11/...State-level voter intimidation, punishment of political dissent through selective law & public health enforcement, & refusal to prosecute crimes against political allies violates the First Amendment by way of the Fourteenth...

15/...Which brings us back to the original point of this thread: Now state & county LEOs are being deputized to enforce federal/constitutional law. The crimes that DA Schmidt condones at county level have a federal component, called Civil Disorder...

17/...and lest the significance go unappreciated, they began by arresting one of the perps that DA Schmidt had released w/o prosecution. Unlike Wheeler, Brown & Schmidt, Oregon's federal prosecutors aren't weak tools or grandstanding machine politicians:
18/...Let us hope that this strong showing by OSP spokesman Fox, County Sheriffs Roberts & Garrett, US Attorney Williams & the rest of his federal colleagues will awaken Americans to the fraud being perpetrated by Real Justice PAC district attorneys....
19/...And let us also hope that domestic terrorists, who flocked to Portland because they thought it was an easy target, will finally receive due process via the constitutional checks and balances they were too stoned to learn about in shitty leftist public schools.
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