the most appropriate answer-
I think she's a prime example of what's wrong with US politics. The big corporations and banks love her because she doesn't believe in anything other than enriching herself. They know exactly what they'll get with her if she and B*den get elected.
To put it plainly, her track record isn't great. When she was AG in California she prioritized the prosecution of parents whose kids weren't in school and non-violent dr*g crimes while at the same time she:
Admitted during an interview that she smoked w**d and proceeded to joke about it.

Decided not to prosecute the banks for widespread mortgage fraud throughout the state.
She later received sizable political contributions - I'd call them br*bes - from those same banks. During the primaries she questioned B*den's past with regard to r*cism (positions on public busing, his mass incarceration bill from the 90's, etc.)
but definitely pulled some punches. When offered the VP position she accepted and touted B*den as being some great man who can bridge the r*cial divides in the US which were created by him and others like him in the first place.
In reality B*den and H*rris are as corrupt as the Ob*mas, Cl*ntons, and all the rest of them. As far as I can tell the worst thing the US has going for it is the people in charge.
The political system is made for rich people to loot with impunity. It's no wonder that's exactly what's happening.
I have censored a few names/words so I don't get suspended for posting this thread.
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