There are actually adult humans comparing being told to stay home, watch tv, and collect job keeper payments during a pandemic to being imprisoned, starved, tortured, and gassed in a Nazi concentration camp. Please. Just stop.
Restricting public movement during a pandemic is a temporary measure to protect you, not a human rights violation. It is difficult, costly, and lonely, yes. But people saying these things have clearly never endured actual human rights violations. 2/
If you are really concerned with human rights, contact your local MP and ask why Priya, Nados, and their two little girls have been two yrs imprisoned on Christmas Island instead of working in their Biloela community where they belong. Have you complained about that? 3/
There are plenty of other ways to champion human rights. Leave it out of pandemic issues please. That is public health. We’ve had >3000 infected health care workers + many more in isolation - stay home for them please. And for the whole community so we can all get past this. 4/
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