I guess the whole point of taking action is to have an impact and attract attention to highlight your cause (whatever it is) and that has certainly happened - on that level it is a success
I’m not sure it gains any support they didn’t already have
I would be a hypocrite if I said that I was totally opposed to direct action I just don’t think shutting down newspapers is a good look or achieves that much and as a believer in a free press (the young lefty in me again) I don’t want one group deciding what I can read
I don’t think the protestors or their supporters are ‘thick’ ‘evil’ I just think their targets are often wrong and I’m not convinced now is the time for these protests - but as a friend who supports them said to me earlier ‘if not now, when?’
But here is the point
If you cheer on protests when you agree with the cause but call for them to be banned when you disagree with the cause, it highlights a weakness in your politics
But it’s a Saturday and I like Saturday newspapers and I’m a little bit annoyed
And when it comes to shutting down newspapers the question will always be “who decides what National newspapers are good or bad”
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