Deep thought time since its nearly 1am here and im not asleep just yet....

Just wanted to say im so happy i have found community with people who watch the same streamers i do. Life has been weird for me lately and i feel like ive lost a dear friend of mine-
-even tho thats not technically the case (its complicated) and i was real lonely for awhile but...then i started watching streamers again. Being as lonesome as i was it was a way to curb that feeling of solitude, and it felt nice. Sure, i haven't exactly made friends-
-from the streams but thats not ever really what i was looking for. I guess i was trying to find a place to belong? Or somewhere i could just have peace of mind and chill and...yeah. idk. Its hard to explain but watching these livestreams helps me get through the week-
-with the jokes and the laughing and all the people who come and go, on call or in's nice. That's why when i say thank you i mean it from the bottom of my heart.

But yeah. Idk. Probably gonna delete this thread in the morning lol
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