Lrt Super Fucking Important. PLEASE please please don't romanticize or fetishize intrusive thoughts. They are absolute nightmarish to go through, and last month was when my intrusive thoughts got so bad that I had cried every night
Thinking yu are a monster and a cold-hearted being with no remorse and morality and having these sick thoughts PILE on you every night and day is fucking scary,, I cannot stress enough please just get help asap if you begin having intrusive thoughts disrupt your daily life.
I know, hypocritical because I'm not seeing a therapist rn but it is due to my living conditions (back w toxic mom who does NOT want me to seek therapy), but still. I don't want anyone going thorugh what I'm going through right now
Just please, if ANYTHING affects your daily life or disrupts a balance, please for the love of god go get help that can specialize in OCD/intrusive thoughts. There is hope and you will get through it.
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