Asking for Veni, since most people on her Twitter already do sex work and either have an OnlyFans for that purpose or have decided not to use the platform.

If you were considering making an OnlyFans to host lewds (selling sets on a free account or selling subscriptions)...
...Would you use Veni's referral link so that she gets a small cut of OF's take from what you charge?

OF takes 20%, leaving you with 80% of what you charge or receive in tips. A referrer gets 5%, but it comes out of the 20%, NOT your 80%

So if you used her referral...
And for example, charged a subscription fee of what she charges right now, ~$10, here is who gets what

You, referral or no: $8
OF if no referral: $2
OF if referral: $1.50
Her if referral: $0.50

And that scales with your earnings...
So say you were doing well and had 10 subscribers at that monthly rate, or ten tips/PPV at that amount:

You, referral or no: $40
OF if no referral: $10
OF if referral: $7.50
Her if referral: $2.50

Either way, it's at no cost to you...
PLEASE NOTE that it doesn't have to be lewd or NSFW at all. It just has to be content that people value enough to pay for, either through a subscription or by purchasing PPV from a free account.

You could:
Teach Yoga/Meditation
Lecture on Revolutionary Theory/History
Knot tying
Some cool form of dance
Etc etc

Which, instead of competing with sex workers, strengthens the platform against exploitative rich ppl like B*ella last-name-defiler.
So not only can you make money, whether lewdly, non-lewdly, or some cool mix of both, but in doing so, accomplish various things:

Material support for sex worker comrades!
Sharing valuable knowledge in many areas!
Hosting your own creative content of many kinds!
By the way, this is not me trying to sell you on OF so much as to sell you on using the referral code if you do decide to do that. Other content hosts may have something like this too.

It could be a viable way to help a favorite sex worker when you don't have much money to spare
You can follow @Dame_Rosendorn.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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