SA says in its news conference today that they're waiting for one incubation cycle (14 days) w/ zero community transmission before they'll adjust borders with NSW & ACT. That's another state off Scomo's Christmas Bus onto Ana's Elimination Express, LOL! #auspol #covid19australia
As of 6 Sept, Victoria's not planning on allowing much in the way of risky indoor activities like dining, gyms, etc. until transmission gets to ZERO per day over an incubation cycle (14 days). Those seats are really filling up on Anna's Elimination Express.
If VIC is holding to such strict criteria, it's going to be interesting to see how willing they are to risk their numbers by allowing potentially diseased people from NSW, a state with less strict criteria ("oh, 10-20 cases per day is OK"), into VIC once VIC's numbers get lower.
BTW, savvy readers of this thread will note that VIC's stage that's triggered on 14 days without transmission, is the same criteria that SA is applying to NSW & ACT to reopen borders. So, what's unsaid is what VIC is really targeting here: conditions allowing open borders w/ SA.
Yes, indeed, the whole country except for that controlled by the Federal govt (Canberra) and a biz-first state that has had trouble with outbreaks + a refusal to lock down hard enough to really get rid of them (NSW), seems to be on, or queued to board, Anna's Elimination Express.
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