"Innovation is the new Mantra & Brahmastra for Bharat to fully become Aatmanirbhar & to shine like a star in the entire World "
In today's world innovation holds the key for any nation to become fully competent and to show it's technological might & prowess.
Innovation gives the scope & future for a nation to sustain and survive and helps in its overall growth & makes it prosperous. Recently WIPO(World intellectual property organization) has released the "Global innovative Index report 2020".(2/n)
This report is released yearly which highlights & gives insight of how the different nation's are faring in innovation & technology . In this year's list Switzerland, Sweden & USA tops the list. Bharat has significantly improved it's position quite a lot. (3/n)
It now stands at 48th position as compared to it's ranking in the previous & early years. In Central & southern Asia ranking ( innovation economies by region) it's position is no 1 which is a positive sign. (4/n)
In the category of innovation economies income group it's position is 3rd in the lower middle income group. This gain in ranking has significantly improved over the years. (5/n)
Its a very good sign & shows how R&D is growing in our country & gaining it's Foothold, but we have still a long way to go as compared with our peers. The country & government needs to invest more in the field of R& D. (6/n)
The report tells that the top 3 nations who spend the most from their GDP in Research & innovation are
1⃣ South Korea 4.3%
2⃣Israel 4.2%
3⃣ Japan 3.4%
Bharat spends only 0.7% of their GDP which is very less as compared to other countries. Experts suggest that any country should spend minimum of 2% from their GDP for research & innovation. (8/n)
In 2019 report China leads the world in filing patent application.The top five users of the PCT were: China (58,990 PCT applications), the U.S (57,840), Japan (52,660), Germany (19,353) and the Republic of Korea (19,085) 
(Report published by WIPO 2019) (9/n)
Bharats ranking is 13th in the world with 5852 patent applications. This ranking needs to improved given the size of our economy in terms of GDP. No doubt recently the Covid pandemic has taken it's toll in the economy & the growth has drastically been hit due to it (10/n)
The Government should encourage more Research & innovation at grass root level in Institutes & engineering colleges. Ours mentality is to rely solely on the innovations & products of the other countries. (11/n)
The sole problem is that innovation takes years & patience to achieve it & huge investments & no one is bothered to take risk for it . Encouragement to excel in it is very less in our country as compared to others. (12/n)
There are certainly world class institutes in our country which encourage R & D. These institutes are(13/n)
1⃣IIT Delhi
2⃣IIT Mumbai
3⃣IISC Bangalore.
But the no of such Institutes should be more to harness the talented minds of our country. The idea of innovation should be cultivated too from the school level, so that in the future too we see the results of it. (14/n)
The Government should bring out more policies which encourage innovation & spend more in this field. The young engineers & scientists of our country needs more support & encouragement so that they can excel in the field of innovation & Bharat becomes #AtmaNirbharBharat. (15/n)
Bharat should again try to be the leader in innovation & technology which once it was in the History & proves it's mettle to the entire world. (16/n)
(Pic & other source Statista,WIPO & internet)

#AtmaNirbharBharat #research
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