After Reading Countless books on Life, Mind, Psychology, Optimisation, Self-Improvement, etc

I'll be dropping those lessons here

1 RT = 1 Lesson

First one on the house 👇
1. Telling Lies is a Short term game.
Telling the Truth is a Long term game.

Playing Long term games will always pay off.
2. A simple way to make any relationship with someone Deeper is by giving them a nickname.

Works particularly well with women.

Give your crush, wife or girlfriend a nickname.
3. DuckDuckGo 52/17 or 52:17

Its a productivity hack.

Work 52 Mins, take 17 Mins break.

Your Productivity and Deep Work Intensity will skyrocket.
4. If someone has gone through a truckload of trauma and abuse in their childhood, let them be.

You may try to help them with good intentions, but whatever the mind absorbs at such a young age is almost impossible to change.

You're wasting time.
5. People much dumber & underprivileged that you have achieved massive success & are doing better than you in life.

Take action.

Action beats IQ, to some extent.

Enthusiasm beats IQ, to some extent.
6. Your gut has over 500 million neurons.

It's your second brain, literally.

Trust your gut.

Also, eat fibres like cucumber and stuff to keep your gut bacteria thriving.
7. Uncertainty causes anxiety, which causes stress.

It puts our mind in survival mode and critical functions are shut down.

To remove uncertainty from work, plan your tasks.

Write down everything that you need to do and when you'll do it.

It'll free your mental RAM.
8. If you like reading đź“š, but are only reading non-fiction, you grossly limiting yourself.

Fiction stimulates the imagination.

Your world is literally the creation of your imagination.

Stimulate your imagination to imagine more vividly.
9. More than 60% of your life is autopilot.

Its a feature, not a bug.

Planing every day from scratch means nothing would ever get done.

Leverage this and build habits and routines that will achieve your long term goals for you.
10. To know somebody's deepest desires & values, dont ask them directly.

Frame them as innocent questions.

"If you had all the money in the world, what would you do?"

"If you could talk to your 10 yo self, what would you say?"

Their answers will reveal everything.
11. Luck can be made.

Being luckier has a huge social component.

Know more people, be at the right place at the right time.
12. Don't try to RedPill people.

It will always backfire.

It will happen when their time comes.

Don't force it. Let them be.
13. Don't get too crazy planning your day that you don't get anything done.

Analysis paralysis is real.
14. Willpower is a perishable resource.

DO the hardest things first in the morning.

Don't build up from simpler things to the hard things.

In the end, you'll be depleted.
15. People don't buy goods.

They buy stories, titles and status.

Live an interesting life so they can't help but want to be a part of your story.
16. Stop believing the "Man is the most Rational Animal" bs

A tiny fraction of all men truly allow rationality to govern their day to day life.

The majority is still completely driven by emotions.

Appeal to emotions, not logic.
17. People will die defending their values & principles.

But they won't live up to their values & principles.

Don't expect the common man to not be a hypocrite.

Probably you are one too.
18. Creating a connection with someone you just met.

Create an "us" and "them" dynamic with your words.

Elicit intimate feelings using the magic words "we," "us" and "our."

Makes the connection seem longer than it actually is.
19. Don't hide behind euphemisms.

Call a spade a spade.

People are craving for a direct talk in a world of lies & eggshells.

Authenticity is refreshing.

Abandon passive & passive-aggressive language.
20. How successful you'll be in life can be judged by,

How good you are at delaying gratification.

Read: The Marshmallow Test

Delay gratification.
21. People are constantly telling you

- what they want,
- what they hate,
- what's wrong,
- what's right, basically everything.

Develop a "Whatever you say may be held against you" Type of Hearing ability.

LISTEN to people.

So obvious but hardly anyone does it.
22. Mankind was a bunch of Silent Actors before we began talking.

Subconsciously people read your body language before they hear your words.

Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulder Back. Always.

It'll improve your mood & self-esteem as well.
23. Focus on doing just one thing that you do every day a little better.

Choose one thing & improve it 1% obsessively.

After a month or so, you'll surprise yourself.

Now apply this principle to your work and relationships.

Then kick back & be rewarded exponentially.
24. The function of any system is exactly what it does.

If something is dysfunctional, that's coz that's exactly what it was built for.

If someone(a friend) is constantly (mistakenly) sabotaging you, then that's the purpose of that "friend."
25. If something has to be done immediately, but you're feeling lazy,

Count from 5 backwards & just jump into action when 1 comes.

Counting keeps your brain(frontal cortex) busy & doesn't allow it to come up with excuses.

Read The 5 Second Rule.
26. Karma is real.

Some people don't pay in this life.

They have to keep taking rebirth until the debt is paid.

Karma spares no one.

Balance is one of the key laws of the Universe.

Rebirth is necessary until the balance is re-achieved.

No one is above it.
27. The nervous system is an inhibitory system that blocks out countless incoming stimuli.

Meditation doesn't activate anything, it shuts down certain parts of the brain.

Same with Psycheldics. They turn off certain inhibitory parts of the brain.
The colours you see, sounds you hear while deep meditating (needs many years of practice) OR after taking Psycheledics, are already around you.

Your nervous system has blocked out those colours and sounds, etc. to prevent sensory overload.
28. A certain level of Blood Alcohol Level actually boosts creativity and writing ability.

Mix this with social interactions and you're creative mind goes burr.
29. Some thoughts on Laws of the Universe
30. You Imagination Literally Creates your Reality...

How to use Imagination Properly and Why it Works...
31. Focusing deeply on something creates a tunnel vision.

This type of tunnel vision is useful in making progress in a specific field.

Ever wonder by some people get good deals after good deals?

That's coz they were focusing and consciously looking for it.

Focus on Something.
32. Just as you feel uncomfortable to ASK for something,

Most people feel uncomfortable to SAY NO for that same thing.

The simplest way to getting what you want is--

Simply Asking.

Worst thing--> Nothing happens.
33. Buy less but High-Quality Clothes rather than,

Low Quality, High Quantity Clothes.

Wearing Quality Clothes also helps with your self-image, self-confidence and self-esteem.

Ever wonder why women buy so many clothes...?

It's to overcompensate for lack of those qualities.
34. Normal, healthy women will go to any lengths for their children.

They can tolerate anything & everything for the child's sake.

I hope you never face a good woman's wrath.
35. If all of the people you surround yourself with are just like you, you're doing this LIFE thing wrong.

Frequently hang out with people different than you, who are in a different industry or line of work.

You need to be exposed to new reality tunnels regularly.
36. Take long walks in nature, among trees and greenery.

Preferable bare feet.
37. Looking into people's eyes is not a "hack."

It's something primal and evolutionary feature.

Blind children when made mistakes, they covered their eyes signalling their shame.

Look into people's eyes, its a sign of self-confidence.
38. Science is one of many methods of inquiry into the nature of the universe.

Think about this before shitting on Astrology and other methods.
39. Watching porn shrinks your Grey Matter.


Watching porn literally makes you Dumb.
40. You get a glimpse into people's true nature when..

- They're drinking
- How they treat those lower than them (waiters, etc)
41. Being relieved of responsibilities has different effects on men and women.

Men feel useless.

Women feel liberated.

Submission of women doesn't stop in the bedroom.
42. Have a specific spot in your home to do a particular job.

Work station should no be where you watch Netflix.

Don't watch Netflix in your bed where you sleep.

Fix spots for specific tasks for maximum productivity.
43. If you find sugary breakfast irresistible but you know its unhealthy...

Eat 5 boiled eggs and drink 1-2 glasses of milk.

You'll already feel full and will be less likely to eat anything more.
42. When fighting procrastination, momentum is key.

Tell yourself, you'll just work for 2 mins.

After those 2 mins, you've likely gained momentum & will continue with your work.
43. When you meet someone important, don't put them on a pedestal & act like a clown to please them.

Ask them sincere questions.

They're already tired of fake people trying to suck up to them.

Be real & speak your mind.

They're starving for authenticity.
44. When you make bank.

Spoil your mom.

Take her shopping & let her shop until her heart's content.

She doesn't care about the clothes or anything, she cares what you're doing for her.

I shouldn't have to tell you this.
47. If you're reading this, you've access to the Internet.

With the Internet, we're living in infinite leverage, infinite opportunity world,

Find a way to earn money through the internet.

Either that or work until you die.
48. You can strengthen your PC muscle to prevent ejaculation and maintain an erection longer during sex.

Google PC muscle exercises.
49. How people treat animals is a good measure of how they are as human beings.

If someone can hurt an innocent, mute creature just for fun,

They're the lowest of the lowest scum.

Avoid such people.
50. No losing or missing out is a bigger motivator for people than gaining something or winning.

Use this in negotiations and relationships to get what you want.

Whatever you do, it has to be subtle and covert.
51. To follow you blindly, sometimes people don't have to belive in what you believe in.

They just have to believe in How Much you believe.

Let them see you sweat for what & how much you believe.
52. People are more consistent than unpredictable.

You are likely to already know how they're gonna let you down.
53. For a man, being unpredictable & sometimes unreasonable can keep the relationship fresh and exciting.

Women hate stagnation and predictability.

Her imagination is your biggest tool.

Keep her guessing.

Most women cheat out of boredom.

Just to feel something, anything.
54. Writing will straighten out your thinking.

It's a tool to train yourself to think better.

Most mental ailments are rooted in lack of knowledge about self.

Writing consistently will help you more than any therapist ever will.

BTW, Learn NLP.
55. Societies rules, traditions & customs is what's keeping us, humans, from destroying ourselves & everything.

We need this to keep us in check.

We need the family system.

We need shaming.
56. Treat life like a video game.

You learn skills and get points.

You level up.

If you screw up, it's okay try again.

You live with the consequences of your action and use them as lessons & cheat codes.

Whenever you build good habits you get points.

Making growth fun.
57. If you don't have to worry about where your next meal is gonna come from, your way more privileged than you realize.

@naval didn't have 2 cents to rub together in his childhood.

Look where he's now.

Make the best of your "privilege."
58. Motivation ==> Action. This is the wrong model.

You can make yourself motivated and inspired by simply taking action in the first place.

Action ==> Motivation ==> Inspiration ==> Action

It's a loop.

Take action first. Motivation will come later.
59. Send people handwritten notes & birthday wishes.

They're more intimate and they'll cherish them even more.

Also, make a note of people's birthdays & wish them.

It's one way to build relationships in which you can't afford to invest in daily.
60. If your grandma gives you advice that her grandma gave her, it's likely that its good advice.

That advice/idea has survived the test of time.

You should listen to her.
61. Doesn't matter what a person has or doesn't have.

What matter is what he/she's afraid of losing.
62. You don't know where people are coming from.

You don't know their world view.

So stop trying to please everyone, it's possible you'll always be wrong in their eyes.

"Give me a few lines written by any man & I'll find enough to get him hung."

~ Voltaire
63. Higher the heart rate for any organism, shorter the life.

Tortoises live very long lives.

Their heart rate can go as low as 1 beat per minute.

For a longer life, you need 10 cycles of breaths per minute.
64. Have a winding down & bedtime ritual to reduce friction & enforce good habits.

Winding Down:
Eat Something.

Bedtime routine:

Phone Switch off at 10pm.
Read books until 11pm.
65. Most people dont care about you, or with whatever's going on in your life.

Not because they're bad or selfish.

They're going through stuff in their life too.

They have their own troubles & triumphs to care about.

You're not entitled to their attention.
66. In a corporate environment, your promotions & job security depends more on your relationship with your boss than your job performance.

Play the game or perish.
67. Randomly taken photographs of your family on non-festive occasions will give you more joy than the ones with all the makeup, fancy clothing and preparations ever will.

Randomly take pics of your family with messy hair.
68. 98% of atoms are empty space.

Your body is made up of atoms.

Your body is 98% empty space.

Let that sink in.

You're mainly energy & vibration.
69. Naturally, 69th lesson has to be about sex.

Women are more sexually vulnerable than men.

Sexual union is the most powerful source of creation.

It can literally create life.

Be careful who you share this sexual energy with.

Sexually energy can be exchanged during sex...
That's why promiscuous women are miserable.

They're more likely to cheat on their partners, be divorced, become alcoholics and druggies.

Be careful who you share this energy with ladies & gents.
70. One of the longest research ever conducted (50+ years) about happiness concluded that,

It's not money or material things that make people ultimately happy...

It's relationships.

No romantic specifically, relationships in general.

Focus on cultivating & investing in them.
71. People look for evidence for the beliefs they already hold.

Its called Confirmation Bias.

That's why changing peoples minds about subjects like Climate Change, God or No-God, etc is almost impossible.

They've gathered tons of evidence on why they are RIGHT.
72. When on a date, take the girl to multiples places back to back.

Coffee at one place.

Drinks at another.

Ice-Cream at another.

Dinner at another.

Makes her feel she's known you longer than she actually has.

Makes the next date easy.
73. Fat cells cause more estrogen in the body.

Shed that fat.

Too much fat in a man's body makes him more effeminate.
74. The best way to sell more anti-depressants is...

Make the people depressed in the first place.

News is entertainment.

Only causes anxiety & stress while giving false information.

Google kayfabe.
75. The Placebo effect is the most evident effect that our mind can cure our body.

Believing you're better even when you're not, causes you to get better.

Google Placebo Effect.
76. Work expands to fill the available time.

Here's where deadlines come in.

Allocate limited time for the task at hand.

The same task can be completed in 30 minutes as well as 5 hours.

Choose wisely.
77. If you're gonna frequent a place, tip the waiters & other service people handsomely.

Make sure your tips are memorable.

I the place is ever busy or you need special assistance, they'll readily bend the rules for you.

If you can't tip generously, you need to up your game.
78. Your mind is a problem-solving machine.

If you throw problems at it, you'll keep getting solutions.

Instead of saying this sucks, say "What can I do about it?"

Your mind will come up with something.
79. Repetition is the key to getting better at something.

No, giving whole 24 hours once a month won't make you the master.

Spending a little time every day on your craft over a long period of time is how you make things happen.

Don't be a weekend warrior.
80. The strongest one doesn't last.

The smartest one doesn't last.

Only the most adaptable makes it to the finish line.

Don't be so stiff that change literally breaks you.

Keep an open mind & a little room for change.
81. To make people lose faith in God & goodness,

the forces of evil torment the most innocent & vulnerable amongst us for their virtues, not vices.

They make you question, "What kind of a God would allow this to happen?"

Never lose faith.
82. Limit or eliminate your fidgeting.

It makes you look unsure, unconfident and potentially lying.

When talking to someone, if you nose itches, let it itch.

The easiest way to lose credibility is to be a face toucher.

Keep your hands off you face when talking to people.
83. If you want to leave a deep impression on someone you've just met socially,

At the end of the convo, in private, look them in the eye, touch their elbow or shoulder, and give them a very specific killer compliment.

Be honest, else your body language may fail you.
I'm tired guys, I'll continue tomorrow.

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