me ranting about spn and everything i despise about it❤️ a thread❤️
let me just warn you that this is such a mess and i went overboard because i was upset BSHSJBSJD BUT HERE YOU GO
let’s start with the queerbaiting❤️ they won’t. stop. fucking. queerbaiting. and it’s not just the writers, it’s the crew too, and they know exactly what they’re fucking doing but they just laugh at us and call us delusional when we fall for it and it’s so frustrating and unfair.
next the homophobia in the actual show❤️ k wording every single gay character is not the move. hinting at main characters being lgbt and never following through is not the move. ex: making charlie, the only long lasting rep we had, die at the hands of a literal n*zi....disgusting
the racism❤️ stop k wording the very small amount of people of color off in your show. it’s fucking gross. example: bringing missouri back only to k word her in the first five minutes,,,,,,having an ep about a RACIST TRUCK,,,,,,,,,,,wtf are u doing seriously
the misogyny❤️ why do u have to k word every woman. why. why do you have 4 cis white male leads and no women mains???? stop writing misogynistic lines?? also, the fetishization of asian women is still not funny, it wasn’t 15 years ago and it really isn’t now so stop doing that.
the way they handle trauma❤️ it FUCKING SUCKSSSS, like nobody “thrives on trauma” are you fucking serious. stop making them work with their ab*sers over and over. stop with the “winchesters don’t cry” like fuck that let them fucking heal from everything please.
the way they treat cas❤️ yes i’m adding this because i’m fucking sick of them treating cas like a punching bag. he SAVED YOUR FUCKING SHOW and what do you do??? take away all his power and not allow him to be happy?? wtf is wrong with you seriously
the way they write sam❤️ it’s the worst fucking thing to see sam get so watered down as time goes on like GIVE HIM SOMETHING JESUS CHRIST. stop bringing back lucifer and making sam work with him. stop starting potential storylines for him and throwing them away it’s annoying
the way fans are treated❤️ like do you realize we pay your bills. stop baiting us and stop bringing back characters we never want to see again while k wording fan favorites. STOP IT. ITS SO FUCKING ANNOYING. maybe treat us with just a little respect, we aren’t idiots
the bad plot❤️ it’s so bad. i’m sorry it’s SO BAD. like how can you have so many holes and continuity issues i don’t understand. why do you REPEAT THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER AGAIN???? it really just gets unwatchable at some points it’s really not good AT ALL
mary and john❤️ literally wtf. first you bring mary back and tarnish the one good thing dean had from his childhood. now sam only knows his mother as someone who went behind his back. you BROUGHT BACK JOHN AND HAD SAM AND DEAN APOLOGIZE???? WHAT WERE THEY APOLOGIZING FOR. WHAT.
the way misha is treated❤️ i’m sorry they just don’t treat him right AT ALL and it’s honestly really sad. is it really that hard to include misha and cas in things?? like stop with the “j2 hate misha” jokes it’s not funny and it makes me upset
30% of their fans❤️ why would you write a finale that 70% of your audience would not enjoy. like what is wrong with u.......are you good?? like that makes absolutely no sense and i’m fairly certain that the 30% are the old nasty wincestie women. it’s gross
i cant remember anything else rn but yeah overall this show has become absolute shit and it makes me upset. i’m honestly so tired of it now but stan cas i guess✨✨
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