I always had a belief in Extraterrestrials, I mean all that space in the cosmos, the possibilities, and people tell me that we are alone in the universe?

But there was always that doubt, as nothing really surfaced that I could trust.
I have never met an extraterrestrial (from my conscious awareness at least), I'd like to meet one or many, but my view of them was very 3D and grounded in the false reality.

My views on Extraterrestrials have evolved immensely.
When I first started diving into that subject matter in July, I had no idea how my perspective would shift so dramatically. So I'll explain how I viewed them and hope to anyone still confused on ET's or still have doubts listen in.
The common misconception of "Aliens" or as they prefer to be called as Extraterrestrials, their race name, or interstellar civilizations. As alien denotes that they are something else apart from us. And in a duality sense, yes this is true, but the tricky part is this.
We are very different as a species and civilization to the rest of the galactic cosmos. We have fallen to so low vibrations and been encapsulated in this false reality by the Dark Ones we have become hostile to things that are different to us.
Not to mention the Dark Ones and others misusing advanced technology for their own good or for the destruction of others on our world. ET civilizations do not look down upon us though like we are inferior, more or less that it is because they want to help but cannot.
The feeling is the same of that of a leftist friend or family member you may have who has disowned you or cut ties because you support Trump. You wish to help them see the truth, but they are hostile to you and do not wish to engage with you. There is much fear.
Fear needs to be expunged out of our civilization before ET contact, fully, can proceed. To be open, to be willing, and allow other beings other than us as humans to interact with us and us them.

How do we accomplish this though? Through understanding that we are all One.
One, the One Infinite Creator, God, Source energy, The Source as I call it, knowing that it does exist and is in everything and is everything to the smallest detail to the largest of cosmos.

The rest of the cosmic beings out there are well aware of this revelation. We are not.
How can we possibly connect with them if we do not understand and feel this? First, I should disassemble the preconceived notion of what ET's are to the general public.

To most folks, ETs are little green men in flying saucers. Making crop circles and abducting people/animals.
Others see them as advanced societies that do not wish to mess with Earth since we are too primitive or they have a law of non-interference that prevents them from doing so.

And some people see it as there are none out there, and if there were they would have been here now.
The first is a over simplification as well as a general clumping of all "aliens" into one group. The second is about right, but it isn't that they don't want to or have, they do and have already done much here on Earth.
In order to accept ET's in your paradigm of reality you must drop everything that you've been told and know about them first. That they are evil, demonic, monsters, or out to kill you. If they wished to do that, they would have done so by now. So remove that fear.
Second, embracing that you are one with the Universe of God and all beings are related to you. Including those not from Earth. To all other ET's, they are a big galactic family and Earth is that liberal friend who cut ties with everyone else because they think they are right.
A simplification of what really is happening, but a general idea to get you to relate to the situation. Because we are caught in this trap, they cannot really come down and help in their full glory. Both Light beings and Dark Ones keep them at bay.
The Law of Non-Interference and Law of Free will are held in high regard by ETs who respect them. These laws dictate that they cannot interfere with another being's spiritual journey or make their decisions for them. They can give signs, give them choices, but no forcing.
Furthermore, ETs who are considered to be Light beings as in they do not have corporeal forms but are pure light energy, have ascended to higher realms and are capable of much more than 5D, 4D, 3D, and lower consciousness density beings.
When using these terms, I use them as to relate to others who have seen the diction being tossed around. I've come to see it as meaningless to label and try to make sense of what it is. In the end, it is what it is, and it is incomprehensible to fully make sense of it while in 3D
See even I cannot do it, it's hard to not label or try to express it fully. In truth, it is something you must experience first hand rather than have it explained to you. But that is what beings like me and others are here for, we are anchors to help you understand better.
As far as I understand, we have the Physical realm, the Metaphysical realm, and the Angelic Realm. The Physical realm is where we are at as a species. We understand everything is what it is and it's purpose is to help us have a body, to feel limited so we can empower our spirit.
It seems odd to do looking at it from our perspective, but coming from an infinite light being's perspective that sounds like an interesting experience. And Earth is one of them, if not the hardest spiritual school out there.
Other experiences allow for easier access to advanced technologies, better alignment with God and Service to Others, and more. We as light beings in human form are here to experience something and when we pass on, we go to a new experience or try a new one on Earth.
The terms of Heaven and Hell in religious terms are hyper exaggerated. Your next life experience you choose determines how you want your life to be. Will you choose to be a Pleidian, Arcturian, Reptillian, Human again? Will you make your own race and try them out?
As you might be understanding at this point, all possibilities you could imagine and cannot imagine are possible beyond this life. We are simply "stuck" on Earth because to the outer Life beings out there we have the hardest challenge, awakening in a world that is void of it.
I'll have a part 2, I kind of like writing these out to get my ideas out there in text but also to share my experiences. Plus there is other subjects I brushed on in this thread that I wish to explore more. Like the three types of realms.

Stay tuned.
Part 2: https://twitter.com/CmmderShpd17/status/1302121185774166017
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