not yall turning into incubators just cause a man treats you how you deserve 😭.
this goes back to my thread on motherhood. people become mothers because they feel like its what they’re supposed to do to consummate their love with a man. not out of the longing for parenthood. tis why I want to JUST be a mom. not a wife with w baby. Or a girlfriend. A mother
separating motherhood from romantic relationships is so vital. i dont see anyone ever talking about it which is weird cause cishet women been talking about divesting from cisheteromativity 🧐
you can want to be a mother without needing to be in a romantic relationship with a man. it’s literally so possible but thats not how people see motherhood. having children is seen as a gift TO a man not a gift FOR a woman
children aren’t offerings or displays of your love for a man and thats why you end up resenting everything and everyone when that man doesnt fulfill his end of the deal. “I gave you a BABY”

thats where you fucked up.
im still developing my own personal thought on mothering, motherhood, parenthood and children so this thread is a compilation of thoughts I have that arent matured, but I do know that my overall stance is that if you want to be a mom it shouldnt center around romanticism
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