Please take the time to read. #SuicidePreventionMonth and call hotlines or seek help if needed. #NoSimpSeptember is not important right now. FOcusing on something that is actually terrifying is more important than simping over someone. Suicide hotlines are here if you need- 1/?
-them. People will listen to your troubles, people will understand. People are able to put their mindset to saving you. People are able to be vented. Therapy is also there for you. People CARE about YOU. YOU are cared. YOU are loved. YOU need affection. PLEASE do not worry. 2/?
People actually love you. They will sob, cry, and even become depressed, if you kill yourself. Depression is felt by a lot of people, so it's not only you who will want to die. If you die, you'll make your friends, Best-friends, Parents, Relatives want to die as well. Please- 3/?
-Beware that people WILL and ALWAYS care for you. A lot of people care for you. Thank you for reading this thread if you did. RT to share this upon people. Especially the suicidal people of this earth. 4/4.
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