With @NomiChef looking to decentralize authority over the treasury, I have some thoughts around considerations communities should take around decentralized protocols and the balance between anonymous and non-anonymous identities. A smol thread:
The benefit of anonymous identities is that they have greater resistance against blackmail, peer pressure and reputation attacks. Can u imagine if a controversial proposal was put forward and some of the bigger clout members put pressure for others to succumb? Could be difficult
For the other members to stand their ground. Anonymity empowers people to speak their minds without fear of backlash or compromise. I think that will help keep the protocol honest and acts as a safeguard. Few recognize that Satoshi's anonymity was a security measure for the...
permanence of bitcoin.

The biggest counterpoint against anons is the risk of Sybil attacks. What if every anon is an alt and they compromise the protocol? There is no way to ensure this isn't the case
A careful blend of anons and non-anons is preferable in this case
When money is involved and enough time passes from the inception and culture of the protocol, bullying, peer pressure and all kinds of nefarious coordinated acts can and will occur imo
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