A thread of how the people in Sarawat and Tine's surroundings played a significant part in building the love between them.
—not a professional thread, just want to leave these here coz i really love how other casts contributed in SarawatTine's love story.
Sarawat first met Tine on a Scrubb concert and after that he never saw him again, BUT Sarawat himself did not gave up. His BFF's which is Man and Boss had supported him at the first place. Man n' Boss really contributed on SarawatTine's Love story ++
to the point that they suggested everything and rooted for Sarawat in finding Tine to every scrubb concerts n' events. Man and Boss have been Sarawat's guiding force since then. The friendship between them is definitely everything.
Remember those times where they were supporting Wat behind the cam while he's singing for tine. And one night, where they were in a club, Boss gave an advice to Man to went in every seminar to find type.
Boss said "Right, Sarawat?"
Yes, they were referring to Sarawat.
This not just a tease from a friend. We all know Boss and Man being frank everytime, so that this was their way of being proud of Sarawat for his perseverance at everything, specially at LOVE.
The day when Wat were so shy and afraid to confess his feelings towards Tine; Man and Boss had been his back-ups. No need to explain everything.

"TineGreen" ship had never been sailed nor grown, BUT this was probably one of the reason why we are now having SarawatTine. This was definitely a gateway to SarawatTine's love story.
if we have "the great bestfriends", we also have THE LEGENDARY ONES. Phukong, Ohm, and Fong— they serves as Tine's shoulder and adviser in all times specially when it comes in love. They were also the ones who suggested to ask Wat as Tine's fake bf—
—and had been slowly developing. The words of wisdom that they were thrown into Tine are absolutely helped to build SarawatTine's love story.
And yes, until now where Sarawat and Tine are still together, they've never change and remains Tine's love adviser.

(i want a bff's like OHM, PHUKONG, AND FONG🤧)
P'Dim's words are life changing.

Probably P'Dim was someone's hate because of his attitude at everyone, but lemme remind y'all, HE IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY SARAWAT DID NOT AND NEVER STOP LOOKING FOR TINE OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
p'dim have been sarawat's 'guiding spirit' his love for sarawat is a brother-like love. He motivated Sarawat to keep going.

(I remember this scene,😂 HAHAHAHA iloveyou p'Dim)
P'Dim is a very responsible person who always work his duty very well. His time as Music Club's President showed that he really good when it comes in leadership. P'Dim also went in a relationship where quarrel is everywhere. ++
Green had been breaking up with him and he did not consider it a break-up coz' it's just 1 minute. He have experiences in lovelife and he is aware of how Wat and Tine love each other.
So i'm sure that his choice to leave the music club room and practice on their house will really help build Sarawat and Tine's love, because as per what Ohm read on the movie quotes—
—"We don’t have partners just to be with them all the time.
We have partners to remind ourselves that there’s someone who loves us.
I therefore conclude that it's not all about Sarawat and Tine who made themselves 2GETHER but also the people in their surroundings. They're the ones who wrote SarawatTine love story and DESTINY itself is the reason why this love story continues to grow and grow.
They are not just meant to fall in love with each other, but they are MEANT TO BE 2GETHER, and everything happened in this love story will prove that...
—not a threader, nor a professional one. Just leave it here. 🙃
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