What has happened in my past 99 days without self harm: took an impossible Econ class online, quarantined without seeing my bf for like a month and a half, had probably the worst summer ever, met two awesome people with Jack, lost 15 pounds due to panic and stress, 1/3
Taken a difficult art class at SAIC, had a few panic attacks, ordered a lightsaber, started back at a public school (I’ve been at a therapy school all of hs), applied to SAIC, few more panic attacks and fucking got in. 2/3
I’ve got a long way till I’m fully healthy again, 90 lbs is too little for me, I’m not really content with how I am, and I need to branch out. I’ll get there though. Pretty slowly but I will. Comment an onion emoji if you read all this lol. Thanks for being there guys. End thread
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