#WalkAway: "Six months ago, I began to #WalkAway (now I am running as fast as I can) I was a CNN watcher and had no idea they are funded by Soros and the left.
I was blind to all the good Trump was doing, because CNN never reported a positive story about him. But when Covid 1/
started, I couldn't take CNN much anymore because of the over hyping and raging fear mongering. Anderson Cooper was going crazy screaming about masks & in that moment I decided I needed to find some new sources with different view points. Thank goodness I found Tucker Carlson 2/
and a whole new world of truth.
I also began to watch all the Trump press conferences... I happened to check CNN after one of them, and was shocked as they twisted and manipulated his words and showed total disrespect for him. I then flipped to Fox and totally different 3/
version - the TRUTH. It was easy to see the truth even as a registered democrat who had been brainwashed by CNN for years.
I began to research the media's dishonesty, Unfreedom of the Press and Blitz explain example after example of how Trump's tweets and words are twisted by 4/
the media to make him look racist or wrong. I watched every minute of the RNC and saw for myself how diverse and compassionate Trump supporters are; how much Trump has done for this country, how successful and fair he has been as President; and how his heart is in the right 5/
place. I am 100 percent behind him.
Now I see clearly that the Left's agenda is to create hate and chaos to get their candidate elected so they can then push their Socialist and Globalist ideals, as Trump rejected at Davos in Jan 2020.
BUT the democrats plan-demic has 6/
backfired, as many of us can see through this. We can see more clearly than ever who is really dangerous. I am Registered Democrat from Florida who is voting for TRUMP and RED all the way." - T. 🇺🇸 7/7
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