Hello Mr. @elonmusk, I am 14 years old, and 5 months ago I had the idea of ​​generating money online using all my savings with the dream of being able to help my family and create many things that impact the world
I was very excited about doing it. So I started creating small games and pages for the internet
I was making a few bucks, but that money only allowed me to keep the page, but I never lost faith. Unfortunately I had to close the page because my savings were not enough and the same happened with the game that I could not finish creating
Right now I feel very bad because all my dreams went down and I had no one to tell all this to since I lost the few friends I had
My parents never believed in me, and to feel better, I only cry at night thinking about all my dreams that failed for lack of a little more money
I've known you for over two years, Mr. Elon, I love everything you do, and that is why you are the person who inspires me the most to keep going and never give up
I felt better writing all this to him about what I'm going through, but I thought about writing him when my work could be something extraordinary and very valuable. Forgive me, but I'm sorry I failed you
Well Mr. Elon, you do not know when I would like you to be able to see these tweets and if you wanted to help me with a little money to continue with all this, I would really be very grateful and I promise you that this time I will not fail again
Finally I would like to write to you again, thank you for everything, for being the person who inspires me to never give up and never lose faith. I know you will give me the opportunity Mr. Elon, I have no doubt, thank you very much for everything.
I tried very hard to be able to summarize this thread as much as possible, I hope you can see it Mr. @elonmusk :))
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