1) As a little kid, Star Wars was my life – I spent countless hours playing with star wars action figures or acting it out (LARPing, I guess). I always had to be Chewbacca, with my older brother and older friend as Han and Luke. I still love the original movies.
2) But I might have to admit, the excellent Rogue One aside, that the rest of the series has been mediocre or worse. Each movie of the new trilogy had good moments, but overall didn't really hold together. Solo and the Prequels bit (except the epic last 20 minutes of RotS).
3) Even the Mandalorian is just so-so – it would have been so much better with a coherent plot rather than just a cool costume and cute muppet. (BTW, this thread is just me working through whether or not I want to get Disney Plus again.)
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