Aight I'm just gonna chime in on the latest topic w/in the DB fandom: SSB-Kaio Ken or not? (Manga version)

Recently, the colored DBS Vol. 9 came out & we finally got a colored scene of the infamous "like KK but not KK while Blue" power-up scene (1/9)
The aura around Goku wasn't red, so does this mean he wasn't using KK?

Let's hear it from the peanut gallery (see images)

Here, I thought: why is Tenshinhan posing this as a question w/ no one to answer? Then I went to look at the original dialogue (also see images) (2/9)
The thing is that sometimes in Japanese, ending a statement w/ か… doesn't have to always mean a question - rather it could just be an affirmation of an event happening w/ some degree of uncertainty

Basically, it could be read as 'The same principle as the KK, huh...' (3/9)
Based on the context, I think it's pretty clear that it's the latter, esp since Krillin affirms the same thing in the next sentence

We also have two important supplemental sources: V-Jump & the official DB page (see images) (4/9)
The V-Jump calls it 'Blue Kaio Ken' & says it relies on the principles of KK (exactly like Tenshinhan said)

The DB page says Goku can further increase his power level by activating KK in his SSB state (5/9)
The manga & supplemental sources affirm that Goku's using KK or the 'principles of KK' to increase his power temp against Jiren. But it doesn't have that red aura, so what gives?

Well, does it HAVE to have a red aura? We've only ever seen it used in base in the manga (6/9)
Anime (both Z & Super) shows us a red aura when used w/ a Saiyan transformation. However, & I know that many fans will disagree w/ me on this, I don't think we should compare the anime to the manga w/ this. Anime does many visual representations diff from manga in general (7/9)
KK basically draws out more power or ki from the user. Nothing about its visual description either in other sources like Daizenshuu 7 (see images, credits to Herms)

IMO: auras/visuals are secondary to char statements. It's like saying that SS2 should have sparks or bust (8/9)
Think I've said enough. That's all from me this time. Hope this was enlightening & in the end, don't let me tell you how to enjoy DB 😷 (9/9)
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