With schools back in session and only two months from the election, today I was reminded how much time and labor I have spent in the past four years supporting educators for this moment and I worry that folx still aren't ready to deal with what's about to happen. 1/
In 2016:
- 2/3 of Ts reported immigrant and Muslim students were scared about what would happen if 45 was elected.
(Turns out they were right.)
- More than half of Ts saw an increase in uncivil discourse.
(Probably a lot more of that now.) 2/

Most Edus on Twitter said nothing. The refusal to engage in convos about how this was impacting Ss was infuriating. Those singular folk who spoke up were fearful of losing their incomes because no one stood with them. 4/
In the effort to be non-partisan (fair argument), Ts missed the opportunity to be honest and protect the most vulnerable Ss. The profession failed. 5/
IMO, it was actually easier to speak up in 2016.

Now, people are literally being killed in the streets during non-violent protests. Do you think it will be easier to find your voice now? 6/
So I ask,in 2020, with the stakes even higher, what is your plan?

When a student writes "**ump 2020" in the chatbox and another student writes, "Hell no," what are you going to do? 7/
When a student changes their name to Black Lives Matter and another student calls them a terrorist, what are you going to do?

Are you going to just close the chatbox feature and hope it goes away? Breaking news: Not all students follow the rules of White silence. 8/
Are you banning all conversation about the election and police brutality?

Are you punishing a White student who unmutes to tell the BIPOC teacher to go back where they come from?

What are you going to do!?!?!?!?!?!?
Who are you going to protect?!?!?!?!
If it's not obvious yet, you need a plan. And I am not sure this conversation was on the pre-planning professional development schedule.

So on Tuesday, I encourage you to ask some hard questions because it's not IF but WHEN you will have to face it. 10/
I love #1 and #4 on this list. That's what educators do most often. Don't be that educator.

We can't avoid the conversations - regardless of how uncomfortable we feel. 11/
If you have not started school yet, there's still time to create the classroom culture to have these conversations. If you have started school, start developing the classroom culture on Tuesday. It's not too late. If you need ideas, start here. 13/

It was not in my professional plan to spend all of my time supporting educators for this moment. But... 14/
I am still willing to do what I feel like I was called to do, but it can't be in vain. I don't know how much patience I have but when it runs out, it runs out. And I don't want anybody tagging me if they are putting in zero effort now.
In #ClearTheAir we have spent the last four years engaging in difficult interracial conversations in public. You can do this and I expect nothing less.
I was triggered, but I am done.

Me: Should I do a thread tonight?
Other me: Go awf.

The End
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