1/5 🚨Weaponizing Clients?🚨

-John Pierce, Pierce Bainbridge, atty for Kyle Rittenhouse.

- @willsommer of @thedailybeast: Pierce allegedly taunted his ex-wife saying he & Tulsi G:

“will fuck u fascist neo-nazi socialist mother fuckers up”

-Tulsi was a client pic👇

2/5🧐Interesting Timing🧐

- 7/25/19: PB sues Google for Tulsi G.

- 7/27/19: Pierce makes that "me and Tulsi . . . will fuck u up" missive

-Presumably, Tulsi did not know

-Will John M. Pierce try to use Kyle Rittenhouse's name for his seeming own purposes too?

3/5 Pierce Bainbridge filed two "$50 Million" lawsuits for Tulsi G.

-One v @Google

-One v @HillaryClinton.

-$100 milion worth, $0 recovered.👇

-Tulsi paid PB $50K with campaign funds.

-$50K apparently does not get you what it used to.

-Or does it?

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