Racial Bias, Microagressions , and discrimination continue to take place in the game BB with no repercussions. Christmas saying she will get “shot” a clear comment towards Bay & Day is absolutely infuriating. Minorities continue to get shit on and no one is stepping in #bb22
If it was Bay, Day , Or David that made a comment like that I’m sure it would’ve been a different story! We all saw what happened to Jamar on BBCAN. Unfortunately just like the convo we heard between Kaysar and Day last week , minorities have to move differently #bb22
As a minority you go Into the house with immense pressure and a disadvantage since there are less of you and at the same time you can’t really show how you really feel because you have a fear of being perceived as an aggressor because that’s how people expect to view you as #Bb22
It is absolutely baffling that we go through the same shit every year and nothing changes, all we are left with are empty apologies for the cameras that most don’t even know why or what they are apologizing for. #bb22
I’m really sorry for the treatment that Bay & Day are getting , just like I said to Kaysar, go home to your loved ones because this isn’t worth your time. #Bb22
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