Day 4 of #CraniofacialAcceptanceMonth and wanted to add to last nights thread. When you think about your favourite movie and you think about the villain what do they look like? Why are they the villain? Too many movies Mark villains by giving them a facial difference.
Let’s explore some. I wrote a list off the top of my head I filled an entire sheet of paper. I’m not including animated movies at this time. Let’s start with the James Bond franchise. Here are just 4 of the bond villains. The last one Silva turned evil BECAUSE of his difference.
On to the Star Wars franchise. I’ve started with the popular movie titles but we will get beyond those in the next tweets.
We are continuing with popular franchises. DC Batman movies.
Here are some other villains. Want to add to the lost? Feel free. #CraniofacialAcceptanceMonth
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