I am at this action, which is 99% black bloc and a few people who saw it on JFG and had no idea what to expect. https://twitter.com/revabolitionny/status/1297581806053740545
Just sidestepped what looks like a green stink bomb.
The first “I didn’t see shit” chant comes early!
Couldn’t help but laugh at the two guys who immediately jumped on their phones to call the cops over this.
Boy does this group move quick. This action is coinciding with a lot of people just out on the town, confused as hell. One Karen tried accosting someone who spray painted a little but didn’t keep going when that person skipped back over into the bloc.
Just walked past someone going “they’re antifa.” Few people following behind and filming. They better hope no one here sees them.
Second Starbucks just had its glass “liberated”
Ahhh refusefascism is here. And this guy is yelling “Boo!” from his roof.
The anticapitalista chant is a simple one, but it slaps
NYU gets a little kiss from a newspaper dispenser.
The march passes the Washington Square dog park and enters the main square.
Seems it is, at least for now, Just Another March. The energy is waning.
Chase bank and Duane Reede both given a quick hello. A woman stood in front of the DR holding her hand to her chest. When I said “they’re only hitting corporations” she paused a minute and then shrugged “That’s true.”
A dumpster got a little hello. A nearby resident complained it was “selfish.” A participant of the march said “if you just close it, it’ll go out.” Selfish indeed.
Another resident yells from her building “get out of the street!”
Protestors followed her demand and got out of the street and on to the sidewalk.
Broken glass sounds like rice crispy cereal
Guy trailing behind the march was trying to start a conversation about why people vandalize as people were setting blockades. Death wish move right there.
Some young kids start posing in front of the BofA smh
Noisy night!
Literally just chillin tbh
I made a joke that did not go over well and then cops bulrushed the crowd. At least two arrests. Crowd dispersed quickly.
Fuckton of cop vans rushing down e 22nd past park toward Lexington
I have lost the group :(
The two people caught and arrested were in full black block. Crowd ran away from cops, leaving those toward the back susceptible.
Cops canvassing the area and calling for arrests
Lots of barricades going up. Likely going to try kettling everyone who dispersed. The cops are going to try arresting all of power Manhattan.
“If you aren't underground get the fuck underground... "massive arrests" and SRG is about to do a grid search looking for other demonstrators"
Crowd regrouping at Washington square park
Windows getting hit at NYU again
That was a lie that bought time. Everyone left safely :)
What an incredible thing to see cars, vans, and helicopters race in the wrong direction 5 minutes after a tweet
Hahahahaha https://twitter.com/thephocion/status/1302048963877625857?s=21
Technically, that was a successful action: Lots of smash, no fash.

Instigators from last night didn’t show up. Cops couldn’t kettle until the group made the mistake of doubling back halfway down a block. Two arrests (as far as I know).
Looks like PD may have arrested *3* people in total, not 2. Out of 150.
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