I don't think anyone is studying this today, but I believe empathogens like MDMA will be the first broad-spectrum cure to eating disorders and body image issues
A general trauma cure like MDMA needs to let you change emotional memory. Many of your most extreme and longest-held emotions are towards your body. If you focus on this goal, MDMA can give you the compassion and ability to change those emotions, forever, in a few hours
in cases I've seen closely, I can't emphasize enough how much this can make eating healthy instinctive and effortless, fueled by love instead of willpower, and how different you can feel, instinctively and pre-cognitively, looking in the mirror at the same body you've always had
"In thirty minutes my relationship to my body was forever changed." "I haven't purged since the first dose" "[friends with EDs] who have taken MDMA have also disappeared the hatred of their bodies."

@B_Walker407 replied the only public report I've seen https://maps.org/research-archive/mdma/healing/buli.html
"I didn't take it with [curing my ED] in mind" "I took it alone" "I do not know what the dosage was because I bought the MDMA on the black market."

Note she had practically the worst setting imaginable, far less effective than being intentional, and still "I [now] love my body"
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