THREAD: I'm triggered by these tweets.
I had 7 pregnancy losses and spent hrs staring at non-digital tests trying to see if there's a line or not (an experience replicated by so many women in similar positions). There is relief in a test that simply says yes or no.
W ability to monitor ovulation and check w/in days of implantation if ur pregnant, tests have never needed to be smarter. Any woman can look at the price of tests n go the cheaper option of course. We need options. I'm not saying digital tests are better but they serve a purpose.
If you go to MC support grps, there are 1000s of women posting pics of non-digital tests, often with a wedding ring around result window, asking if anyone can see the line. Women reference "line eyes" bc they stop relying on what they can see bc it's skewed by hope or fear.
Early pregnancy loss is complicated and messy and really misunderstood. I understand the point OP is making, but life isn't this simple. There are other reasons may choose to buy a digital test. That's all. Fin.
Sorry, one more point in addition to the one I've made, though they're related. @RealSexyCyborg also points out that misreading is common and therefore the digital tests can help with that too.
Huge thank to you @RealSexyCyborg for making this point.
And another extremely relevant perspective from @Siocain_. Thank you.
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