@ ENG enstarries: PLEASE, for the sake of sidemPs who are already having problems looking for Altessimo content as is, PLEASE use Artessimo or some other alt for your new shuffle unit.
i'm not saying this out of malice, i just feel sorry for the AltessimoPs
sidem is already struggling to fight through the male idol franchise market as is so to see enstars, one of the TOP LEADING franchises for this genre, hijack several of the things related to sidem just feels...gross to me
315 day (sidem's production name) is on 3/15 every year for as long as the franchise has been up, but this year it's //also// enmusic's release date
There is a twin unit group in sidem (W) whose family name is Aoi, and upon enstars' release, it ALSO has a unit with the same-
composition (twin unit, Aoi but different kanji)
Then Arte/Altessimo, the new hinted shuffle unit. Altessimo in sidem iirc has been in the game SINCE IT STARTED SERVICE. that was in 2014. and googling Altessimo WILL get you the sidem unit. So, again, pretty yikes.
I'm sorry if you can't see why this distresses me. But it does, and I really don't want to see more of these continue.
the thing with Altessimo that made it too similar is that *Altessimo is not a real word*. I know enst's version is derived from Arte/Ultimate/Fortissimo but again, prior to this Altessimo has always referred to the SideM unit.
It just feels weird to me.
OK UPDATE TO ANYONE SEEING THIS THREAD: In the SAME even story there's a mention about wearing 'silver space/alien themed outfits' and you know where you've seen that get-up? Also sideM.
I honestly can't give Happy Elements the benefit of the doubt anymore ngl.
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