New York municipalities only have to bargain with police unions because state law requires it. Honestly it’s weird that progressives don’t push to ban collective bargaining for them. And also conservatives, given the ludicrous pension costs.
We *could* have a normal job situation where if police hate their working conditions and don’t want to do the job as they’re told, they quit or get fired, instead of telling elected officials to fuck off and staying in the job until they reach full pension retirement age.
The equity of labor relations is very different in the public sector than in the private sector. All of us who don’t work for the government are represented on the management side of the table in public sector labor negotiations.
I have no attachment to collective bargaining for any public sector role, but police unions are uniquely malevolent and stripping them of power seems like a good place to find common ground between those who want to restrain government from the right and left.
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