hey yall love me some good representation as much as the next guy-- but can we just be careful with this sudden call to prioritize depicting certain body features in our art in this need to make certain ethnic groups instantly recognizable?????

it's kinda racist.
like what were stereotypes except short hand symbols for instant recognizability???
Social media prioritizes speed in understanding information above everything else, so anything that take more than a couple sec to understand is engaged with the most bad faith arguments.
like I'm an illustrator I fully understand the value in instant communication-- so as visual media creatives we also have to understand that responsibility. Let's not flatten each other's lived experiences and realities for easier clicks and likes and be a bit more patient.
Yknow it is my own fault for not being more specific but literally this thread is based off my own experiences being asked to depict Muslim characters as Muslim as possible and with an incredibly limited range of features, and how illustration as communication is hard and nuanced
I’m not subtweeting any art twitter thing, Im barely aware of what y’all are doing out here
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