I’m not defining myself as sapiosexual, but I am definitely turned on by intelligence, by fantasy, by creativity, by humor, by enticing conversations.

Sexuality belongs as much to the mind as it does to the body.
So horny *because* he explained his PC build to me. 😇

Show me what you love. Show me what makes you tick, what makes you wake up early in the morning & keeps you up so late at night. The thing you’ll do forever out of sheer passion.

Show me that. Make me horny. https://twitter.com/bitchasskathy/status/1297244463476150273
Make me laugh. Good jokes, bad jokes, dad jokes, naughty jokes. Whatever floats your boat. Yessss to all. If you can make me laugh it’s easier to get me wet.
Oh, you like big books and you cannot lie? Same ☺️ I’ll show you mine if you show me yours first! *wink wink*

Fuck me in a public library, read me some Heidegger while fingering me to sleep, whisper some poetry while you thrust your penis inside me! Can it get better than that?
Things like these never get old 🥰

And by the time you think you’ve ran out of ideas, turn to this thread. I bet men & women alike can find truth in some of my words. As for me, I’m glad I’m having stimulating people around me. My undies are never dry. 😁
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