More Boomer lies about National Socialism. Good thing it's all recycled garbage that's easy to debunk.

Might as well do a thread to dunk on reactionaries and celebrate the end of my 7-day ban!
>They stifle dissent on touchy subjects to maintain their narrative and enforce cultural hegemony.

Rich coming from a site banned from YouTube. Try saying kids shouldn't be given puberty blockers and talking about Black on White crime & see if you still have a job in the morning
Germany didn't have free speech before or after Hitler. West Germany banned the KPD too.

Most Alt-Righters believe in freedom of POLTICAL speech. Freedom to use your media power ownership to push homosexuality and race mixing to children? No!
Lmao your example of "vitriol" from the INTOLERANT LEFT is a tweet saying "Dinesh D'Souza is a horrible person, but let's not lose sight of the fact that he's also not very bright." Lmao that's the kindest tweet I've seen about D'Nesh D'Streetshit I've seen from either side.
>Hayek describes Nazism as a “genuine socialist movement” and thus left-wing by modern American standards

This isnt controversial among Nazis at all. We dont plan the economy for equal distribution of orgasms like Leftists, the goal is the spiritual & physical health of the volk
>“The Road to Serfdom,” by F. A. Hayek, is one such tract...warns of socialism’s tendency toward planned states and totalitarianism

All economies are planned. Whether the Fed or CCP, unless you want to go back to trading gold rocks, fiscal & monetary policy is set from the top
>British elites regarded Nazism as a virulent capitalist reaction against enlightened socialism—a view that persists today.

Among serious historians? No. Among Twitter radlibs? Yes. The best option for the latter is to throw Lend Lease memes in their face.
>From the moment they enter the political fray, young right-wingers are told, “You own the Nazis.”

Who gives a shit. Defend your ideas on your own merits not this stupid guilt by association game. Talk up some women at the salon of you want to compare "body counts."
Seriously "Your side has Hitler on it" and "Your side has Stalin on it" is the stupidest fucking trash I see in political discussion. It's the recourse of ideologies who have no other justification for their beliefs besides a negative dislike of the other side.
>They view family and civil institutions, such as church, as needed checks on state power.

Now the Pope is kissing migrants feet and the state AND media are teaching your sons to chop their cocks off.

You either use the state or the state uses you.
>The Left doesn't believe in strong property rights.

Does my property rights in a media company include the right to out out TV shows telling Whites to hate their race? Does my right to own a treatment plant allow me to dump peepeepoopoo in your yard

Because it's the same idea.
>They believe the free market has failed to solve issues like campaign finance, income inequality, minimum wage, access to health care, and righting past injustices.

Literally all those things are true unless you're trying to simp for Adelson's right to buy your president.
>National Socialism was a collectivist authoritarian movement run by “social justice warriors.”

If foreigners are coming to your county and picking up your women for a quarter because speculators and reparations fucked your economy, yeah I'd be a fucking "SJW" too.
>Hayek held the honor of Maggie Thatcher’s “favorite intellectual guru.”

Well now I know who to blame for England's industrial midlands being reduced to a hollowed out shit hole for Pakistanis to procure White girls from.
>The individual had limited rights outside the volk.

Well as a special snowflake individual you have zero rights outside your volk. Your rights derive from your relations with others. And yeah you have no right to asocially piss in the well literally, morally, or ideologically.
>No checks on state power existed. The cross played no role compared to the swastika

What Hitler did was eliminate poltical Catholicism which was sectarianizing German poltics. The Centre Party head Kaas was a priest. You telling me he isn't more loyal to the Pope than Germany?
>Hitler repeatedly praised Marx privately, stating he had “learned a great deal from Marxism.” The trouble with the Weimar Republic, he said, was that its politicians “had never even read Marx....I have put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun.”
Fucked up the threading, thread continues here
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