FV is steeling our content blocking and trying to silence us. We content makers need to stand up and show them it's not ok. We will not be pushed around and ignored when our content is taken without concent. #fuckfurryvalley

Join the game and show them you can't be silenced
#murrsuit #softsuit #murrsuits

They steel from us. Slander us and our name and think they can get away with it by blocking us. We will not be pushed around and ignored when it's our bodies and images being taken without concent and refused to be removed.
Content makers join the game and take a photo like this and tag #fuckfurryvalley to show you will not be pushed around and have your content taken
You can follow @thedenofiron.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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