My thread was mentioned in miniladds latest video. I would like to start out with the meet and greet. And I really hate to argue about this with a fully grown adult, but I didn’t consent
To being picked up, and I’m sorry for not saying anything about how uncomfortable I was in the moment. I DID NOT fucking ask him to be picked up but I didn’t protest when they did. That’s my fault and I can totally see how the adults there wouldn’t see a problem with it.
I get that a lot of you still won’t take my word for it. Regarding the pretty and cute comments. I believe that they happened but you don’t have to. I get that it was a “ you had to be there” moment so I respect if you don’t believe me.
I would also like to say that I believe that mini is getting better. This does seem genuine to some degree. I’m just mad that he believes that I am lying. almost ALL of the girls at the camp have mentioned that they have had weird experiences with mini NOT just me!
Thank you for @WeirdGirl2364 @SuniDey @fissy09 and so many others for believing me and these girls. That’s all and I’m willing to move past this all at some point but I’m still angry.
I would also like to say this but I forgot. He didn’t even fucking MENTION the parts where he would say we were looking at his ass because they are TRUE don’t wanna ruin the reputation you don’t have do you mini
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