1/12 To kick off @GlosHistFest, which starts 5 Sept, Gloucester Day, took my camera around the Kingsholm Looking Up Art Trail ( https://www.gloucesterhistoryfestival.co.uk/events/kingsholm-looking-up/) this afternoon. I'll thread the results, one stop per tweet. It's an art trail, but sorry, I'm a history geek. Reverse order...
2/12 Labyrinth Artworks (#10) - Photo taken in May. To the right, Hare Lane, the original route north out of Gloucester until Worcester Street laid down 1822. Behind, across Gouda Way, are the ruins of the Tanner's House, orig 13th century, currently being wrapped in a new build.
3/12 Dean's Walk Inn (#9) Taken early last month. Lane so called because it was the medieval route from the now long since pulled down Blind Gate in north-west corner of the abbey (now cathedral) precinct to Kingsholm Palace.
4/12 Kingsholm Stadium (#8) The location of the first Roman fort, built c.49AD, before the fort that was to become a colony that was to become Gloucester was established c.66AD. The site became the location of a Saxon palace known to have existed 1051.
5/12 Rainbow Street (#7) The gloriously colourful St. Mark's Street, taken a few weeks ago after the person whose brainchild this is, the fabulous @FrootkoTash, kindly gave me rooftop access.
6/12 Kindertransport hostel (#6) No. 18 Alexandra Road. Find out more at https://gloucestershirearchives.wordpress.com/2016/01/27/the-kindertransport-in-gloucester/
(Portrait needs a click)
7/12 Sherborne Cinema (#5) On the web at https://www.sherbornecinema.co.uk/  and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/sherbornecinemagloucester
8/12 Sebert Street Recreation Ground (#4)
"Here are my feet
Almost one with the earth"
One of the #OfEarthandSky locations
Full poem: https://ofearthandsky.co.uk/poems/sebert-street-park/
9/12 Clapham Court (#3) rising behind Gloucestershire Heritage Hub. In 1780 the area where the tower block now stands was called Monkleighton and straddled the city boundary. By 1852 streets had been laid out and working-class houses built. Cleared and tower built 1963.
10/12 Roots Cafe (#2)
Web: https://www.rootscoffee.org.uk/ 
Twitter: @Roots_coffee
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RootsCoffeeCommunity/
(Apologies Roots if I looked a bit dodge hanging around outside with my camera this afty - was waiting for the traffic to clear)
12/12 This one I added myself
From c.1181 Alvin Gate stood somewhere near today's Coach & Horses (itself an early 16th-century building) at the top of Hare Lane as one of the main entrances to the city. It was destroyed by Royalist artillery during the siege of Gloucester in 1643
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