For those new to the #StopICEtransfers campaign, and wondering how Gov. @GavinNewsom has been working with ICE to risk people’s lives, worsen the COVID-19 pandemic, and tear apart families and communities, here’s a summary ⬇️
ICE transfers occur when local and state law enforcement allow ICE to pick up immigrants who have completed their time in jail or state prison to detain and deport them.
This is the main way that ICE does its dirty work - collaborating with Sheriffs (jails), and @GavinNewsom & CDCR (state prisons), taking ppl who’ve done their time from jails and prisons, and funneling them into ICE detention.
We know incarceration harms ppl beyond just the person incarcerated. ICE transfers make this worse by permanently separating immigrants from loved ones, and during the pandemic, putting people’s lives at risk due to the severe medical neglect in ICE detention facilities.
New evidence also reveals that outbreaks in ICE detention facilities are largely due to transfers from state prison. Some Californians are shipped to ICE detention out of state - LA, WA, TX, CO. Gov @GavinNewsom fails to follow science, spreading COVID-19 across the country.
It’s clear as day the racism behind ICE transfers - impacting Black & non-Black POC alike. For exanple, even though Black people make up approx 7% of noncitizens in the US, they comprise 20% of ppl facing deportation based on past convictions.
There’s also a deeply twisted level to this - Gov. @GavinNewsom literally signs off and grants individual people to be released on parole. But for immigrants and refugees, he turns around, and cruelly lets ICE take them upon release.
Tien Pham, a Vietnamese refugee & Patti Waller, a Belizean DV survivor, are 2 ppl that could have been home today after 15+ years inside. But bc @GavinNewsom did nothing despite pleas from faith, health experts, and hundreds of advocates, they are now in ICE custody in Aurora, CO
As Patti was nearing her last days in prison, she sent a hopeful letter to me saying, “see you in the free world.” It’s fckin heartbreaking that instead, Patti and Tien are thousands of miles away from their loved ones, and facing deportation to countries they have no ties to.
The fight to #StopICEtransfers won’t stop. Don't just be angry at ICE. Target @GavinNewsom, CDCR, and your Sheriffs. We are committed to Patti and Tien’s freedom. We are committed to Nayeli Pena Arce, who faces an ICE transfer next week. Take action now at
Lastly, we need more people in this fight. I’m especially looking at immigrants rights folks who don’t give a damn when immigrants have serious/violent convictions. Tbh check your racism, bc these convictions have more to do with our system than defining ppl’s humanity.
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