1/ I’ve seen multiple people saying “what about Outcast” or something to that effect, making out that Trek has actually competently dealt with and explored queer characters/issues in the past.

Let me just say as someone who is queer, no they really didn’t.
2/ Yes, they used analogies and queer coding, which we held onto because we didn’t have anything in Trek that spoke to that part of us.

Rejoined is still one of my favourite eps, it was also one of the few times they had a spine when it came to queer issues and took a chance.
3/ Why make a big deal about what Discovery is doing? Because it’s actually wanting to do something about Star Trek’s flawed past with queer representation.

People talk about “Gene’s Vision” a lot, but it’s normally complaining about canon or the grey areas DS9 and DSC explore.
4/ Gene had a vision of the inclusion of queer people in Star Trek, he wanted it to happen. But was stopped multiple times because the straights couldn’t handle it or “what about my children?!”

So my answer to that is...
5/ Trek is more than just for one audience it’s for all aspects of humanity, the spectrum of us.

Discovery is covering ground that so desperately needed covering in the past, it’s for those of us that were barely seen or catered to.

It can save lives.
6/ I don’t normally let out the big angry queer side of me publicly, I have beautiful friends I’ve been able to share and vent with.

I’m tired of having to constantly justify my existence and justify celebrating it, I’m tired of being a disappointed Star Trek fan.

Grow up.
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