RANT: So my "friend" was telling me about this girl on her FB that had gotten some evaluations done on her kid for autism & speech development. I've been wanting to see a child therapist for my daughter cuz she shows signs of ADHD since my hubbie has it. Anyways, so my friend
Was going on telling me about this other girl's kid & that she finally was properly diagnosed & how to go about getting the same evaluations & some of them are time sensitive like up to 3 & my daughter will be 3 soon. However, my daughter doesn't have any developmental issues
Her pediatrician has never been concerned about her physical or mental, or said they wanted to se eif maybe she had some neurological issues regarding development. So I explain to my friend that I appreciate the info & that I'll look into it AFTER I talk to the pediatrician
She goes on to tell me that if I wait to long it will cause more problems for me regarding my daughter in school or later in the future, & that I shouldn't just "let it go". I told her that I'M the one who originally said that I wanted her to he evaluated, not for autism tho
That if she was showing those kinds of signs, her pediatrician would've recommended somewhere for me to go to get it treated. My daughter is as normal as could be, she just has recently shown signs of ADHD, ADD, OCD, etc & I want to know exactly what it is & how I go about it..
Then my "friend" proceeds to tell me that I don't know what exactly is going on with my daughter & I need to "leave it to professionals". I told her that I didn't like her saying these things when I'm the one who originally said that I wanted help with my daughter.
So then we didnt talk for the last 2 days cuz she upset me & when I showed that, then I was "being defensive" & "not appreciative" of the info she was giving me. So I explained myself to her this AM, saying why i was upset & that i was sorry if i sounded harsh but i had also just
Woken up that morning to her message & that interaction happened within the first 5 mins of being awake. But now I'M the one who upset her, I'M the one who was in the wrong for being "defensive" toward info about MY CHILD & her saying that I was going about it wrong
So now I'm a horrible friend, im not appreciative of all the help she's given me, which isn't anything she expressed before. So basically, I just lost a friend, my ONLY friend, cuz I was upset about what she was saying about MY child & how I'm going to help her.
I've already explained to her I dont like her saying I NEED to do all these things that regard my life, when she has her own addiction issues & what not that she's dealing with. Sure, I appreciate anyone giving me info that may help me, but I don't like being told that I NEED to
Do something because she suggested it. Or that I need to respond or act a certain way because she's giving me info that may help me. Like if I say okay thanks for the info that should be the end of it. Not her telling me that if I don't do something or if I let it go, I'm gonna
Have more problems, or whatever. Like its my child, I will choose what's best when I feel she's ready. I'm not gonna go stick her in a bunch of evaluations just cuz my friend thinks it's what she needs, I'm her mother & I will do what I want to when I feel comfortable with it
But yeah, apparently I'm to rude to have any friends, the way I say things to everyone is just wrong. I'm not allowed to have my own opinion about the child that I gave birth to & have raised for 3 years. So I had one friend & now I've got none. Beware of me cuz apparently I suck
End rant. If you read this thread, thanks I guess.. just had to rant cuz I've never felt so low about myself... never felt so ganged up on by someone who has had severe mental issues herself & should understand that choosing your words can be very detrimental.
I've always said I never could have suicidal thoughts, but when you feel like the whole world is against you & nothing is going to ever change... how can you not feel that way????? I'm fine, I promise. Here with my daughter, but I've never felt so fucking worthless
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